The Monthly Journal of the American Unitarian Association V.9:No.8

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This purpose was so strong in him, that we may say it had become a ruling passion ; and he deviated so seldom and so slightly from the course of rectitude, that it seemed as though his steps were always directed in the way of the upright. Where is the man that, with knowledge of his character, would have dared to approach our friend with a proposition to do an unjust thing ?
Had this ever been, that usually benign and placid face would ^^^ JOHN WILSON.
hare shot out lightnings of indignation, t
...o consume in an instant the presumption of the offender ! That Mr. Wilson was always t?tre7!'!rf ''"*' "'™'" ^ ""'' ""«' — g^-^^tiy °-i4 to the fact that he was too conscientious to make money; and I do not mean by this to intimate that a man may not be honest and yet get nch, -but I mean only to say that our friend was so ver;/ true and noble, - God help us all to be so, too ! - that be was ever thinking more of what he was being and doing and,g, than of what he was having and gaining and reeeivin.

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The Monthly Journal of the American Unitarian Association V.9:No.8
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