The Mukkuva Law: Or, the Rules of Succession Among the Mukkuvars of Ceylon.

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What reading level is The Mukkuva Law: Or, the Rules of Succession Among the Mukkuvars of Ceylon. book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

1 0. There is no law that prevents the holder of the dominium from disposing at will her maternal muthu som movable or immovable, provided the disposal is effected subject to the rights of her brothers. But see contrary opinion hinted at in the judgments inNos. 10524 and 12668. From the libel in No.
13341, it plainly appears that mukkuva women, having the dominium, are in the constant habit of selling their maternal MUTHU som lands with the consent of the holders of the life interest. In No.
...460, a sale made by a brother who was in possession and enjoyment, without joining his sisters in it, was held ralid, as the sisters did not object to the sale, although their cousins did.
11. If a daughter, receiving from her mother a muthu som land or a maternal muthu som land, in Legacy, Gift or Dowry, does not dispose of it during her life time, but allows it to remain in her Disposal.
Bfiect of a gift or legacy to an heir.
( 36 ) Right to will away i, maternal muthu som land.
Cattle and implements.

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The Mukkuva Law: Or, the Rules of Succession Among the Mukkuvars of Ceylon.
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