The National Church of Sweden

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The resistance, nevertheless, of the bishops was so 33 See De Svenska Domkapitlens forvandling till Larare- kapitel, 1 57 1 — 1687, Upsala, 1908, esp. pp. 54-62.
§ 8.— PAULINUS GOTHUS. MATTHI.E. NEW SWEDEN. 285 great that the king had to give way, and the plan was held in suspense. The bishops took their stand on the rights of the spirituality, and urged that political persons had no business to intermeddle in the government of the Church.
The king then tried another plan of excluding all bisho and having a council of thirteen priests from the city and neighbourhood of Stockholm. But neither this nor another suggestion from the other side were agreed upon, and the matter was suspended. The king's death left the government in the hands of the chancellor, Axel Oxen- stierna, as regent on behalf of the young queen, Christina, and he had other difficulties to contend with. The bishops did not deny that some central control was necessary, but they desired to find it in the separate meeting of the estate of the clergy at the time of the Riksdag, something like the Convocation in England, which was very much in their own hands.

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