The Needle Workers' Guide Without a Teacher ..

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To make this stitch bring the needle up from underneath at the point where the knot is wanted, now catch the thread with the left hand about two inches from the material upon which you work, hold the needle in the right hand quite close to the material and with the left hand wind the thread twice or thrice around the point of the needle, after which hold the thread tightly and with the fore-finger of the right hand, shove the wound thread down towards
... the point of the needle as you thrust it back through the material at about the same place it was brought up. This opera- tion forms the knot; you then bring the needle up where the next knot is wanted and repeat the operation. This stitch is used for the foundation of the blossoms of the Scotch Thistle, Tops of Bushes, Sumach, Japan Cockscomb, Plush Stitch and is used in making Golden Rod, Ends of Stamens and the Centre of Flowers.
I'lu^i, i;, -.. i>Mtt> THK NEEDLE- VVOKKEK'S GUIDE.

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The Needle Workers' Guide Without a Teacher ..
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