The New Stone Age in Northern Europe

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But even the form, and still more the ornament, changes according to time, place, and fashion; hence these are very useful in trac- ing periods and cultures and their relations.
Where different types meet there is usually more or less change or modification, often difficult to interpret. Our knowledge of European pot- tery is still small and unsatisfactory, but it has already been of much use in tracing migrations of culture and relations between provinces often widely separated.
...EOLITHIC CHRONOLOGY "X"YTE must imagine Europe in upper ^ V Paleolithic times again as a terminal region, a great peninsula toward which the human emigrants from the east and from the south came to mingle and to super- pose their cultures. These races took the grand migration routes which had been followed by other waves of animal life before them; they were pressed upon from behind by the increasing populations from the east; they were attracted to western Europe as a fresh and wonderful game country, where food in the forests, in the meadows, and in the streams abounded in un- paralleled profusion.

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The New Stone Age in Northern Europe
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