The New Testament of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ in the Original Greek

Cover The New Testament of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ in the Original Greek
The New Testament of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ in the Original Greek
Massachusetts Bible Society
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Text in Greek, introduction and notes in English "London: Gilbert and Rivington, Limited, St. John's House, Clerkenwell Road, E.C."--t.p. verso "Collation of Codex Sinaiticus, collated with the text of Stephens, 1550, as reprinted by the Rev. F. H. Scrivener, 1867"--6 pages at end "A Select List of the Works by the late Chr. Wordsworth, D. D. Bishop of Lincoln"--unpaged advertisements at end Massachusetts Bible Society Previously owned by Ellen N. Warden of Sarauae Lake Jan 23,1895; inscription


on t.p Accession No.2549--MBS bookplate Accession date:Dec. 15, 1942--MBS bookplate

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