The Next Chronicle (Book 1): Next

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At first the dreams were happy—sunny skies and smiling faces, picnics in the woods and good friends long missed. Those better dreams were sometimes punctuated by darker moments. The occasional nightmare wandered in to cast sullen clouds and moments of terror on what was, for the most part, a restful slumber.
    The human mind can dream indefinitely, lost forever in the endless time between sleep and waking. The dreamer's mind, for better or worse, was not quite human. It was something more.
... Over time he began to shift from dreams to memories. Some of those recollections were vague and fuzzy, bare impressions of joy and pain. Others were stark and clear as if he were living the moment again.
    Once past dreams and into memories, the dreamer became aware that he slept. Time contracted from the ephemeral fabric of unconsciousness into something closer to real-world time. His internal clock clicked back over into the on position, and the dreamer knew the world outside was moving by while he stayed hidden within himself.

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The Next Chronicle (Book 1): Next
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