The Next Chronicle (Book 2): Damage

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Rapid phone calls were exchanged with several federal agencies, all by Archer and ending with an establishment of jurisdiction by the OSA. Ray watched and listened, taking in the efficient transformation of the scene from simple body dump to potential ground zero.
    All nonessential personnel were asked to leave, though Archer asked Ray to remain. In short order there were only a handful of people inside the enclosure, and no one within a hundred yards who wasn't under Archer's command.
.... Nunez, head of research and development and the smartest human being to ever live, had taken command of the crime scene technicians. Ray had never heard of Nunez doing field work, but given the circumstances, he wasn't terribly surprised.
    Ray was standing near the door when a flash of bright light flared through it from the outside. The flaps parted seconds later as Kit and Christjansen entered. She glanced around the enclosure before spotting Ray, who waved her over.

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