The Nightingale Legacy

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he said, utterly aghast. “Why, I’m here and you’re here. You wouldn’t let anyone hurt them.”“It’s not that, Owen,” she said patiently. “They feel frightened. Look what men did to them. If a knife or a gun makes them feel safer, they should have them. By the by, that second knife is for me. If I’d had one the last time your father got me, perhaps you wouldn’t have had to go against your father. I also might have gulleted him, which is an excellent idea if you look at the problem in a certain ligh...t.”“He still is my father, Caroline.”She sighed. “I know, Owen, and I’m sorry for it. We’ll think of something.”Owen’s eyes lit up. “Maybe they’ll shoot Bennett by mistake.”“Buy three pistols, then. Goodness, what an utterly fragrant thought. Where is he anyway?”“In Goonbell, probably in Mrs. Freely’s taproom drinking ale until it comes out his bloody ears.”“Just as well. Goodness, there’s so much to be done. I know, Owen, you can go to the mines and find Mr.

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