The Nothing Job (2014)

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The firearms officer waited patiently for Henry whilst the DCI became increasingly annoyed, suspecting that it might not even have made the flight.
‘How can this be?’ Henry moaned. ‘Our bags went in together.’ ‘It’ll come,’ Bill assured him.
And it did, eventually, all by itself.
Henry tore it off the belt and angrily set off towards the doors which opened out into the comparatively tiny arrivals hall, Bill in tow.
By the time they appeared, all the other passengers from the flight had gone and
...the hall was quiet.
Henry stood and looked around. Bill tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to a person holding up an A4-sized piece of white card on which had been scribbled ‘CHRISTIE & ROBBINS’. Bill set off, Henry a beat behind him.
Bill stretched out a hand in greeting and the woman holding the sign broke into a wide, welcoming smile as she shook Bill’s hand.
‘You must be Detective Christie,’ she said to Bill, whose bottom lip dropped stupidly open as he took in the sight of the woman sent to meet and greet them.

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