The Numeration, Calendar Systems And Astronomical Knowledge of the Mayas

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Counting forward this number from this date we reach the date 5 Caban Zotz^ of S12 R13, in which the zero has the form given on Plate XVII, TWENTY or ZERO, No. 3.
On Altar U of Copan, Bi on the top and H3 on the sides, the month signs Pop have the number forms given on Plate XVII, TWENTY or ZERO, Nos. 5, 6. The meaning of these forms cannot be proved here by calculation from other dates, but it is a fact that, if they mean zero, we have here the beginning day of the new year.
In Tikal (Plate 74
... of Maudslay) we find on B3 A4 the date 6 Eb Pop®, in which the zero has the form given on Plate XVII, TWENTY or ZERO, No. 7. On A7 is, with but little doubt, the sign for one day, and on B7-A8 we have the date 7 Ben 1 Pop®, the day following 6 Eb Pop®.
On Dr. 50.1.27. we have the form given on Plate XVII, TWENTY or ZERO, No. 10, together with the month Xul, where we should expect to find Yaxkin. This would enforce the argu- Digitized by Microsoft® l66 HEADS AND PACES MEANING / TO ig. FORMS FOR ZERO ment that the month-days were numbered from i to 20.

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The Numeration, Calendar Systems And Astronomical Knowledge of the Mayas
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