The Obvious Orient

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There are some large Spanish estates of the tenant type, the friars' lands were administered in that way, and steam plowing machinery has been introduced in some parts of the islands with good results; but as yet few fortunes are made out of directing Filipino labor. The Chinese make good farm hands, and nobody can doubt that the wealth in the islands and the profits of American investors there would be much increased if the Chinese were allowed freely to come in. The objection is, apparently,
...that a superior class of labor would permanently depress the Filipinos and would drive them out of small industries.
Whatever the merits of that controversy, the experi- ence of 10 years has shown that it is hopeless to look for immigration into the Philippines by any considerable number of American farmers or mechanics. The Ameri- cans cannot compete for the lower tasks. The Filipinos, when properly trained, make fair skilled workmen; they run the locomotives and the engines of the launches and the little steamers; though at present poor carpenters and smiths, they can be taught to do better.

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