The Offer

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“Some bacon, Sabrina? It will help put some meat on you, that’s what Cook said. Did you sleep well?”“I don’t care for bacon, but I did sleep well, once I managed to get to sleep. That bed is very big and I’m not used to your house. It was very quiet and then there’d be a creak and a little shudder. I dreamed about ghosts and things of that sort.”“I’m sorry, but soon you’ll be used to everything.” She merely nodded and chewed on a slice of toast. She was dressed charmingly, in a high-necked pale muslin gown. The pink did wonderful things to her auburn hair and to that white skin of hers, not to mention how it seemed to deepen the violet eyes. He started to compliment her, then decided that it might frighten her, that she might think that he was flattering her so he could hoist her skirts up. So he said nothing, merely kept smiling, determinedly.“You won’t have to get used to my bed. Perhaps, if you wish, you can select another bedchamber until we have the viscountess’s bedchamber redone.

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