The Old Boston Post Road

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Mr. Wetmore, who declared for episcopacy in 1722, and left the church. He went to England for holy orders, and settled in a parish at Rye, New York. A few of his congregation followed him from the church.
The old churchyard occupies part of the land given by Mr. Pierpont. The first burial was made in 1720, and it is probable that before that date, the dead were carried to New Haven. The oldest epitaph is on a stone over Moses Clark, who "dyed Aug ye 21, 1736." Reder stop your space & stay & har
...ken unto what I say, Our lives but cobwebs tho' near so gay, And death ye brome ye sweeps away.
IS 226 The Old Boston Post Road The first mill was built on Muddy River in 1700, and by 1761, there were seven mills on that stream. Small sea-going craft were built here between 1760 and 1800, to engage in the coasting and West Indian trade.
The valley of the Quinnipiac, or East, River consists of great meadows upon which the hunting was very good.
As a result, the meadows were favorite hunting-grounds of the Indians, and great numbers of them resorted here at times.

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The Old Boston Post Road
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