The Opinions of Grotius As Contained in the Hollandsche Consultatien En Advijsen:

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54 (Holl. Cons. 3 (b.) 159).
Donations are of three kinds : — 1. Inter vivos.
2. Mortis causa.
3. Propter nuptias.
A Donation or Gift Inter Vivos is a promise whereby a person, without being liable to another, out of liberality binds himself to give that other something belonging to himself, without receiving anything from him in return or stipulating for anything for his own benefit.^) The following authorities may be consulted on the subject : — Grotius, Introduction, Bk. 3, chap. 2, and 2, 1
...4, 2.
Schorer ad Grot. 3, 2, sees. 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18-21, and 23.
Van der Keessel, Theses Selects, 485-493.
Van Leeuwen (R. H. R.), Bk. 4, chap. 30.
Van Zurck, Codex Batavus, sub voce " Donation.'' Huber, Hedendaagsche Rechtsgeleerdheid, 3, 14.
Domat, Civil Law.
Woordenboek Holl. Regtsgel. (Aanhangsel) "Donatio inter vivos." Lybreght's Notaris Ambt. 1, 16.
Voet ad Pand., 39, 5.
Tennant's Notary's Manual, chap. 6, p. 256.
In the case of Oliphant v. Grootboom,(e) donations inter vivos and mortis causa were fully discussed and the authorities bearing on the subject referred to.

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