The Parsees : Their History, Manners, Customs, And Religion

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GENUINENESS OF THE AVASTA. 249 Fraser, in their histories of Persia, both maintain the antiquity and the authenticity of the Zend Avasta.
It will thus be seen that the genuineness of the Zend Avasta cannot be impeached, the most learned and acute scholars of Europe frankly recognising the Zend as one of the most ancient of languages. The Zend Avasta itself contains intrinsic evidence of its being composed more than 2,500 years ago, viz., in the reign of Gushtasp. The Parsee Scriptures do not me
...ntion any event, king, or person after Gushtasp and Zurtosht. The Pehlvi works, Qompiled in the reign of Ardeshir Bubekan, all speak of the existence of the Zend Avasta. The works " Dinkard," " Vujurkard," " Shayest Nashayest," and " Nirangestan," believed to have been ori- ginally compiled by the disciples of Zurtosht, all make mention of the Zend Avasta promul- gated by Zurtosht.
Mahomedan authors, again, who flourished about a thousand years ago, make mention of Zurtosht and his Zend Avasta. These evi- dences must of course be held sufficient to establish not only the antiquity, but also the authenticity and genuineness of the sacred writings of the Parsees, some parts of which 250 THE PARSEES.

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