The Peel Collection And the Dutch School of Painting

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Crews and others.
CHAPTER V The Dutch Painters of the People It is curious that Dutch painting succeeds better, on the whole, with the upper classes than with the proletariate. The five names to which most of our attention has so far been given are the five greatest in Dutch art, after that of Rembrandt ; and four at least of the quintette do best when they are dealing with the refinements of life. Terborch seldom strays into the lower couches sociales, Metsu deteriorates when he does so ; the pictures of Vermeer deal with the gentle classes ; de Hooghe seldom cares to look far below them. Jan Steen alone is equally at home with all, doing best, perhaps, when he has contrived a mixture of gentUity with unbridled nature. . In most countries and at most periods the painting of manners loses its salt as it mounts in the social scale. It is easier to make a picture out of a cottage than a castle, or out of an old cart mare than a racehorse ; for the same reason, the free manners of the farmhouse lend themselves with more facility to manipulation of the artist than the etiquettes of the chateau.

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The Peel Collection And the Dutch School of Painting
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