The Phosphate Deposits of Egypt

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The Phosphate Deposits of Egypt
Egypt. Maṣlaḥat Al-Misāḥah
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Comparing the above analyses, the Egyptian variety, so far as the samples have been examined, is somewhat inferior to the Carolina and superior to the Belgian. The question of export does not arise, seeing that Egypt as an almost exclusively agricultural country, could take any available supply. The point to note here is, that Egypt possesses an apparently unlimited supply of low grade phosphate within easy reach of the Nile Valley.
2. Phosphates in the Eastern Red Sea Hills.
On the road from Q
...ena to Qosseir, a little south of the latter town, is the very conspicuous range of Duwi, owing its origin to faulting, which has let down limestones of Eocene and Cretaceous age against older rocks. While the maiu crest is formed of the Eocene limestone, it is flanked on the south by a lower plateau of Cretaceous limestone, which is separated from Wadi Abu Zeran by low hills of brown-red Nubian sandstone. It is interesting to find that in this series the bone- bed reappears, containing fragments of bone and vertebrae, coprolites and teeth of Lcimna^ etc., the whole bed, which is overlaid by thick limestones, being itself about 0*45 to 0*6 metres thick, and having undergone a certain amount of silicification.

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