The Plays of William Shakespeare in Ten Volumes : With the Corrections And Illustrations of Various Commentators V.3

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What reading level is The Plays of William Shakespeare in Ten Volumes : With the Corrections And Illustrations of Various Commentators V.3 book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

At which time would 1, being but a moonifh youth, grieve, be effeminate, changeable, longing, and liking ; proud, fantaftical, apifh, (hal- low, inconflant, full of tears, full of fmiles; for every paiTion fomething, and for no paflion truly any thing.
A S Y O U L I K E I T. 293 thing, as boys and women are for the moft part cattle of this colour : would now like him, now loath him : then entertain him, then forfwear him; now weep for him, then fpit at him ; that I drave my fuitor from his mad
...humour of love, to a living humour of mad- nefs 5 ; which was to forfwear the full llream of the world, and to live in a nook merely monaftick : and thus I cur'd him ; and this way will I take upon me to wafh your liver as clear as a found fheep's heart, that there fhall not be one fpot of love in't.
Orla. I would not be cur'd, youth.
Rof, I would cure you if you would but call me Rofalind, and come every day to my cote, and woo me.
Orla, Now, by the faith of my love, I will. Tell me where it is.

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