The Poems of William Shakespear

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The Poems of William Shakespear
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
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What reading level is The Poems of William Shakespear book?
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t *It appean from the corresponding rhyme, and the Jingle in the Digitized by LjOOQIC 76 VKirUS AHD ADOKIS.
But when Adonis lived, sun and sharp air Liprked like two thieves, to rob him of his £ur ; ' And therefore would he put his bonnet on, Under whose brim the gaudy aim would peep; The wind would blow it off, and, being gone^ Play with his locks; then would Adonis weep: And, straight, in pity of his tender years, They both would strive who first should dry his tears.
' To see his face the
... lion walked along Behind some hedge, because he would not fear* him : To recreate himself, when he hath sung, The tiger would be tame, and gently hear him : If he had spoke, the wolf would leave his prey, And never Mght the silly lamb that day.
present line, that the word fear waa pronounced in the time of Shaks- peare as if it were written ./bre.'— MaiiOne. To draw a general eon- olnsion from a particular instance is illogical and unsafe under any circumstances ; but with the whole text of Shakspeare before him, and a competent knowledge of the contemporary literature, it is surprising Malone should have fallen into this error.

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The Poems of William Shakespear
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