The Poetical Works of the Late Rev John Gambold

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The Poetical Works of the Late Rev John Gambold
John Gambold
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't Would change the hue of intermediate scenes, And make one thing of all theology. And John, 'tis certain, had an eagle's eye : He saw whence all creation first began, How it now lies, and where it ends at last : He saw the mighty Logos* moving through it, Tht WvJDe WORD. John i >.
POETICAL WORKS. SI (Guardian of beings first within himself) Ardent t' educe the pow'rs and vary'd beauties Of the deep Godhead, image of his Father. And then to raise in purity and joy, A temp'ral world, more lax v
...ariety, To be the second image ; v\hich, as child Of grosser feature, should be cover''d o'er With his kind radiance, and grow up in him.
IGNATIUS. I rather should assign a nearer source. Within the bounds of time and of the church, For all his strains of love: The Word mudejienkf Oft, in his hearing, gave our holy union The honour to stand next, in saving souls. To his own blood ; nay more, had condescended To be himself a brother ; make but one Among a knot of friends : for so he seem'd, Th' apostle said, * to Peter and the rest, An easy, free, and but more knowing friend.

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