The Pot of Gold, And Other Stories

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His father, in his gratitude, offered Margary's Digitized by Google THE STRANGER IN THE VILLAGE. 271 mother rich rewards ; but she would take nothing. The little boy cried on parting with his kind friends, and Margary cried too.
" I prithee, pretty Margary, do not forget me," said he.
And she promised she never would, and gave- him a sprig of rosemary out of her garden to wear for a breastknot.
The villagers were greatly mortified when they dis- covered the mistake they had made. However, the o
...ldest woman always maintained that her not having her spectacles on, when she met the stranger the second time, was the reason of her not seeing that he loved butter ; and the schoolmaster gave his poetical ab- straction for an excuse. Mine host of the " Boar's Head " fairly tore his hair, and flung the pewter por- ringer, which he had thrown after the stranger and his dog, into the well. After that he was very careful how he turned away strangers because of their appear- ance. Generally he sent for the oldest woman to put her spectacles on, and try the buttercup test.

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The Pot of Gold, And Other Stories
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