The Private Wife of Sherlock Holmes

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What reading level is The Private Wife of Sherlock Holmes book?
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The clientele was not quite yet assembling. The liveried man at the door had a lantern jaw raw from a dull razor and brutish eyes as dull.
Holmes spoke. “Mr. Asquith Fleming to see the, er, lady of the house.”
The fellow eyed me in my elegant Paris gown and cape with confusion. If I wasn’t prey, what was I? But he admitted us and indicated the empty selection salon and the office that lay beyond it.
“New blokes see her in the office first,” he said.
I’d described the house thoroughly to Mr. Holm over supper, so he escorted me briskly over the animal rugs to the door the man had indicated.
“Ah!” He spotted the shawl-covered tea cart I’d described the moment we entered, moving to it with the speed of a striking snake. Gone was ponderous King Willie. Holmes bent to examine the recording equipment in the lamplight. “Yes. Hmm. Clever. But the recorded discs are not kept here, only the single empty one under the stylus.”
“I wasn’t able to locate them before the madam found me here.”

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The Private Wife of Sherlock Holmes
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