The Protector

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Her captors ignored her as they reworked their plans, pointing to various sections of their maps.She listened quietly, gauging the enemies’ intellect. Dilaver’s orders were crisp and decisive. He was a good strategist, albeit a bloodthirsty one. He wanted revenge in a big way and told the interpreter that he wanted him to go into town to pay for informants. The man had just lost four trucks, men and a trailer of “goods” to someone he had thought would be a new business partner. He didn’t want to... leave without letting the other side know that they had made an enemy for life.From his earlier actions and his current demeanor, she could see that the man was a mercenary at heart, someone who liked the taste of battle, who had little regard for morals or human lives. On a whim, right in the middle of an ambush, he had decided to take her despite the danger to himself and his men. In one split second, to make his escape, he had totally wiped out a whole truckload of his men with an RPG launcher.

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