The Psychical Correlation of Religious Emotion And Sexual Desire

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The Psychical Correlation of Religious Emotion And Sexual Desire
James Weir, James Weir (Jr.)
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scraping this image, and then steeping the wood-dust in water, which they drank as a remedy against barrenness. Sometimes they gave it to the men in order to stimulate sexu- ality or sensuality. At Varailles, in Provence, waxen images of the male and female sexual organs were offered to St. Foutin, and, since these images were suspended from the ceiling and moved by every vagrant current of air, the effect was sometimes very astonishing.
"Timoin Saint Foutin de Varailles en Pro- vence, auquel s
...ont didiies les parties honteuses de Fun et de V autre sexe, formies en cire ; le plan- cher de la chapelle en est fort garni, et, quand le vent les fait entrebattre, cda dibauche un peu les divotions d, Vhonneur de ce Saint." 92 This worship at Varailles was identical with that of Isernia; the votive offerings were waxen images or models of the genital organs, while the saints differed only in name, not in character. At Embrun the worship of St.
Foutin was a little different. The women at (82) L'Estoile : Confession de Sancy, pp.

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