The Pulse: An Emp Prepper Survival Tale

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Atlanta, GA.
    It was morning at the Robinson house, an African American family who in lived in a bustling neighborhood on Atlanta's west side. Christina toiled over her stove, pouring pancake batter on a griddle as bacon sizzled on the burner. She wore her favorite pink robe and slippers, and her short hair was tied in a small bun. Christina's husband, Terrance, was still sleeping soundly, and their children—Richie, Tobias, and Paula—were dragging themselves out of their rooms, lured by the a
...roma of Sunday morning breakfast. It was the best way to get her kids out of bed and then ready for church, a constant weekly battle. Richie, their eldest at seventeen, was the hardest to manage, as he often took advantage of his father's frequent absences. Terrance was a truck driver who spent a good deal of time on the road. What he had seen along his routes over the years had greatly disturbed him. He told Christina that the country was rapidly changing. He could see it.

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The Pulse: An Emp Prepper Survival Tale
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