The Record of a Regiment of the Line: Being a Regimental History of the 1st Battalion Devonshire ...

Cover The Record of a Regiment of the Line: Being a Regimental History of the 1st Battalion Devonshire ...
The Record of a Regiment of the Line: Being a Regimental History of the 1st Battalion Devonshire ...
Mainwaring George Jacson, M. Jackson
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He got most of the way across when he was hit in the legs by a bullet, but he continued his course, and being struck again fell, and was dragged behind cover by the I.L.H. He delivered his message.
The position won was held until the Boers retired under cover of darkness. The men were then placed in defensive positions, and picquets told off.
The wounded were subsequently cared for> A REGIMENT OF THE LINE 69 and the dead left where they had fallen till daylight.
Colonel Park described the fire
...of the Boers as like the crackle of a piece of gorse in a blazing fire. Colour-Sergeant Palmer, who so greatly distinguished himself both during and after the charge, said the air was hot with bullets. His rifle was shot in two at the lower band as he was taking aim, splinters grazing his face and hands. Half the survivors had their clothing shot through, and the majority of the killed were found to have been hit two or three times.
The strength of the force was 5 officers and 184 non-commissioned officers and men, of whom 3 officers and 14 men were killed and 1 officer and 34 men were wounded.

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