The Return to Mutton

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[Without anszcering, Jane looks at the pot once more. As she lifts the lid the steam arises from it.
Augustin sniffs.
AUGUSTIN God! Cabbage again? {He lifts himself with a groan to a sitting posture) JANE Your cold must be a little better. The lumbago bad as ever.'' [But Augustin only shakes his head in despair.
Cheer up. A cold and lumbago. Poor me, I haven't got anything at all.
AUGUSTIN Mock. Mock.
JANE A stiff back requires a stiff lip, Gussie. Never mind, it's darkest before the dawn.
...STIN The dawn. It only shows our misery the clearer.
Why did I bring you down to this?
JANE Am I complaining?
34. THE RETURN TO MUTTON [act n AUGUSTIN My brave, brave girl. (A fit of sneezing seizes him) JANE I told you you ought to wear your muffler.
[A hahy^s cryvng rends the air.
AUGUSTIN It has been howling for hours.
JANE But think of what we owe that child. For the few hours a day I take care of him see what Mrs. Ves- puccio does for us.
AUGUSTIN Does for us? Look at this place. Every chord in me revolts.

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