The Rockstar And His Fangirl (How Not to Be Seduced By Rockstars): a Hot Billionaire Rock Star Romance

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The book The Rockstar And His Fangirl (How Not to Be Seduced By Rockstars): a Hot Billionaire Rock Star Romance was written by author Here you can read free online of The Rockstar And His Fangirl (How Not to Be Seduced By Rockstars): a Hot Billionaire Rock Star Romance book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Rockstar And His Fangirl (How Not to Be Seduced By Rockstars): a Hot Billionaire Rock Star Romance a good or bad book?
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He entered their private cabin. All the lights had been switched off and his wife was lying on her side, as close to the wall as possible.  She didn’t answer.
He knew she was pretending to be asleep, but instead of calling her out about it, he decided to let it be. It was safer this way. He lay on his side of the bed, careful not to touch her. With each second that passed, the distance between them seemed to widen.  Should he tell her? Should he be the first one to say it? Staffan closed his eye
...s. Tomorrow, he decided tiredly. If she still hadn’t realized the truth by tomorrow, he would tell her.
**** Saffi knew the exact moment her husband fell asleep, knew from the way his body turned heavy and made the bed dip low, knew from the way his breathing evened out.  The moment he fell asleep, she allowed the tears to fall.
While waiting for him to come back, she had made a bet with herself. If Staffan had wooed her like he always did in the past, if he had tried to explain what had happened, she would take it as a sign that she could and should fight for her marriage.

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