The Royal Dictionary Abridged ...: French And English. English And French ...

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The Royal Dictionary Abridged ...: French And English. English And French ...
Abel Boyer
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Down-Feathert, Du- vet. A Feather -iD»ker, or Feather -feUcr, Un phtmaeier.
Feather* footed, Fauu, ^ui a detplumti aux piex, cono/ie cer' tatns ptgeont, * t To feather one'i Ncft, K A, So /aire ricbe, -f fe rem- plnmer.
He feathers his Neft with it, * \ V en fait fei ehonx gras.
Feathered, A» Garni de pin* f, qui a det plnnm, * t He is wrU feathered , agiin, • f i/ r'j/i bien rent' plum/.
F^therleis, A, S(ui m*a point deplumes, FiaUy, Adv. (from Feat,) Propremem, etdmitement, genti" feigneuriaU
...l To fit, F. A. Fajtr\ Kjr FEE Feature, S. tredu trait if ^ifage, lin/ament.
Featured, A. well- featured^ S(ui a de beaux train de vifdgt.
FwTCf, S, liSvre, fi^re ebaude.
Bowiof Faver, Une fievro ardente.
Feverfew, ^. Matrjeaire^ Feaferidi, A. Fievreux^ i3* A fea?en/i| DiftcfB|«r, Une wsaladie sccompagn^ de fi^vre, t.Tpfetxe, KA.F,d. td feag.
TtrfJ^tt, K N. Se defikr.
F^iog, S, VaOion de f§ d^Ur. '^ To febricitate, V.N. hr$ febricitant, avoir la fievre, Fehiifuge, S. 8c A^. Feiri- fuge.
February, 5.

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The Royal Dictionary Abridged ...: French And English. English And French ...
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