The Saving of Ireland, Industrial, Financial, Political

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. expressly limited the duration of the quota of two-seventeenths to a period of twenty years, and they provided that it should be revised on a certain definite basis at intervals of not more than twenty or less than seven years, unless Parliament should previously have declared that the expenditure of the United Kingdom should be defrayed indiscriminately by equal taxes imposed on the like articles in both countries.
172. It is well here to remind ourselves of the exact words of the Act. Subse
...ctions 2 and 3 of article 7 relate to the quotas to be contributed by Great Britain and Ireland respectively to the ex- penditure of the United Kingdom, and enact that after the lapse of twenty years, and thereafter at prescribed intervals of not more than twenty or less than seven years, Parliament should, subject to certain rules laid down in article 7 — Eevise and fix the proportions in which it shall deem it just and reasonable that Great Britain and Ireland should contribute, unless previous to any such revision Parliament shall have declared that the expenditure of the United Kingdom shall he defrayed indiscriminately by equal taxes imposed upon the like articles in Great Britain and Ireland.

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The Saving of Ireland, Industrial, Financial, Political
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