The Science of Penology; the Defense of Society Against Crime;

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The Science of Penology; the Defense of Society Against Crime;
Boies, Henry Martyn, 1837-1903
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These district centres should inter- change cards with the national bureau of identifi- cation in Washington, when necessary or desirable, in order to secure the complete identification of all the criminal class. By such a plan many danger- ous criminals would be caught and confined for the perpetration of minor crimes, and so their more serious depredations would often be prevented.
The facilities which our railroads afford to criminals for rapid raids upon cities and towns where they are pers
...onally unknown would also be greatly diminished by such an extension of the sphere of influence of these central stations. It would to a certain degree extend police protection against professional criminals over the whole country.
Workhouses. — In all centres of population in- fested by drunkards, prostitutes, vagrants, tramps, and beggars in greater number than can be eco- nomically cared for and employed at useful labor while lodged in the police station, workhouses should be established. They should be located conveniently near police headquarters, in suburbs where some land can be cultivated by the prison- ers, and other work done for the public benefit* Digitized by VjOOQ IC 290 The Science of Penology such as making roads, gardening, repairing and cleaning streets, working in parks and on public improvements of all kinds, making clothes for prisoners, and in whatever industries can be ad- vantageously carried on in the locality.

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