The Science of Purchasing

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A stability around "normal" is, without question, the ideal condition in commodity prices for the stabilization and "long pull" benefits for general business and personal con- ditions. This factor is a most important one for the purchasing department to consult in its estimate of general conditions.
Composite Monthly and Yearly Changes. It is always well to take a " consensus, " or bird's-eye view, of the general situation, in addition to examin- ing the details. This the dial recognizes in the
... composite figures of all twelve factors, showing the monthly change of all factors, +8. 0 per cent and the yearly composite conditions of the twelve factors, 1. 1 per cent.
It is often valuable to get the perspective as to what was doing at this season, or month, one year ago, and thus allow comparison with relative con- ditions in an individual business, or weigh plans proportionately as to how some underlying business factors, or average of factors, show as to propor- tionate position now and then.

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The Science of Purchasing
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