The Science of War; a Collection of Essays And Lectures, 1892-1903

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The Science of War; a Collection of Essays And Lectures, 1892-1903
Roberts, Frederick Sleigh Roberts, Earl, 1832-1914
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Crown 8vo., 51.
THE GROUSE. Natural History, by the Rr . H. A. Macpherson; Shooting, by A. J. Stuart-Wortley; Cookery, by George Saintsbury. With 13 Illustrations and various Diagrams. Crown 8vo., 55.
THE PHEASANT. Natural History, by the Rev. H. A. Macpherson ; Shooting, by A. j. Stuart-Wortley ; Cookery, by Alexander Innes Shand. With 10 Illus- trations and various Diagrams. Crown 8vo., 55.
THE HARE. Natural History, by the Rev. H. A. Macpherson ; Shooting, by the Hon. Gerald Lascelles ; Cour
...sinSi by Charles Richardson ; Hunting, by J.
S. Gibbons and G. H. Longman ; Cookery, by Col. Kenney Herbert. With 9 Illustrations. Crown Svo., 5*.
THE RABBIT By James Edmund Harting. Cookery, by Alexander Innes Shand. With 10 Illustrations. Cr. 8vo., 55.
SNIPE AND IVOOnCOCK L. H. De Visme Shaw. With Chi Snipe and Woodcock in Ireland by : J. Ussher. Cookery, by Alexandi Shand. With 8 Illustrations. Cr.
RED DEER.—J^aituTSLl Hist, the Rev. H. A. Macpherson ; Do ing, by Cameron op Lochiei Hunting, by Viscount Ebb Cookery, by Alexander Innes With 10 Illustrations.

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The Science of War; a Collection of Essays And Lectures, 1892-1903
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