The Seduction Scheme

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The book The Seduction Scheme was written by author Here you can read free online of The Seduction Scheme book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Seduction Scheme a good or bad book?
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‘S-sorry,’ she gasped. So much for the cool, professional distance she’d vowed to keep. After a single morning of detachment she was flinging herself into his arms.
She was seized by a sudden strong and bizarre urge to blurt out her troubles. This is the wrong person and wrong place to indulge in an orgy of shared burdens, Rachel, she told herself firmly as she attempted unsuccessfully to pull clear of the protective circle of his arms. She’d learnt to handle life’s crises alone some time ago.
...Is it the appeal of sandwiches in the park? I’d join you myself if I hadn’t already promised to lunch with the revered parent.’ The quizzical, teasing expression left his face as he took in her pale features. ‘What’s wrong, what’s happened?’ he demanded, taking her by the shoulders. The smell of the soft, lightly floral perfume she used tantalised his nostrils. That haunted expression in her wide eyes was doing the strangest things to him.
‘I’m sorry but I have to go… Charlie…it’s an emergency.

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The Seduction Scheme
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