The Serpent Mage

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Rock-climbing tools hung on the small dining nook wall like pieces of art; knapsacks, tents and metal shelving covered with rocks filled the hall to the bathroom and bedroom. Kristine's living there seemed to have hardly made an impression. Aside from a three-tier fold-up bookcase beside the couch and a stack of blank ruled composition sheets, the roommate's presence dominated even in her absence.Kristine did not speak for a long time. She took deep, even breaths, looking out past the hide-a-bed... and through the sliding glass door at the courtyard beyond. "You're sure he died. He didn't just disappear.""He died, and then he decayed," Michael said bluntly."I don't know why you should be upset," Kristine said, still not looking at him. "He threatened you, and you lived. You won. Poor bastard.""He was used," Michael said for the third time."Did he feel what he was doing — did he know?""I think so," Michael said. "I can't be sure, though.""This fantasy of yours is real ugly, you know that?"Michael didn't understand,"This macho fantasy world.

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