The Silesian Loan And Frederick the Great

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' Proposals, he concluded, must come from the English side. In the confidential letter he alluded again to these two questions, as two big disputes not yet disposed of. However, he begged the Duke to write a private letter to the English Ministry, accompanying a copy of the ' ostensible ' one, holding out hopes, provided they, who had begun the negotiation, were ready to make an offer ; and above all, that they must in the first place remove the old grounds of quarrel.
instruc- Michell having i
...n the meantime assured him that the P^ c y ne will adopt is a matter of great concern to the English Ministry, 3 Frederick instructed him to hint to them, as an idea of his own, that it was much to be wished that such unimportant differences as those respect- ing the depredations on Prussian merchant ships could be made up ; he might also try to confirm them in the opinion, which as Michell had reported, 4 some of them 1 Pol. Cor. Xi. 332-5.
2 This is perhaps an allusion to the French request that he should undertake the invasion of Hanover, made some months before, which he had refused.

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The Silesian Loan And Frederick the Great
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