The Snoblace Ball:

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The Snoblace Ball:
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The hour had struck that Trebos set For Mistress Snoblace's ball, ere yet She had begun the grand toilet.
One gas-light glimmer' d in the hall, And two tall candles, they were all, That shed their lustre 'midst the gloom, Pervading the reception room.
The dancing salon, not yet lit, Was somewhat darker than the pit.
The window-blinds securely closed, No light within, without exposed.
Silent and dark like some old tomb, In Egypt or a catacomb, The hired mansion of Snoblace Frown'd grimly over Do Place.
The police walk'd their weary beats, In silence through contiguous streets ; And Brown, the great ubiquitous Brown, So much admired about the town, Was at his post with sev'ral more, 34 THE SNOBLACE BALL.
To guard and gossip at the door, When unexpectedly of course, A dingy hack drawn by one horse, Drove lazily along and stopt, From which two antique spinsters popt.
Though these old maids of " upper ten," For nearly fifty years had seen, The fudge and fashion of the town, And had at last great bores become, Yet Brown most civilly inquired, The hour their carriage they desired ?

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