The Society of Friends in the Nineteenth Century: a Historical View of the Successive Convulsions And Schisms Therein During That Period

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The Society of Friends in the Nineteenth Century: a Historical View of the Successive Convulsions And Schisms Therein During That Period
Hodgson, William, B. 1804
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Twenty-two Friends accordingly as- sembled, who sat together in silent waiting on the Won- derful Counsellor, for his direction and help. A solemn covering of good was sensibly felt over this little assem- bly, with a ray of hope for safety to those who, in sim- ple reliance on the Master's guidance and protection, would be willing to follow whithersoever his divine wisdom should lead them, even though it might be through the deeps, as escaping on boards and broken pieces from the stranded vess...el. A sweet feeling of sympathy and unity prevailed ; but as their numbers were felt to be small, it was thought best, before coming to any conclusion as to further proceedings in so weighty a matter, to invite Friends more generally throughout the Yearly Meeting, who might feel prepared for it, to meet together in Conference, at Fallsington, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, on the thirty-first day of the fifth month, after the close of Bucks Quarterly Meeting.
Notices were accordingly circulated of the proposed Conference, and a considerable number of Friends at- tended at the time and place appointed.

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