The Source (2012)

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In the swirl and reek of the dead, frying creature in the tank, they failed to see that man-shaped space where the smoke rushed in to fill a sudden gap. Harry had made his exit just in time.
Agursky recovered first, leaped across the room and switched off the power. “Who has done this?” he demanded of no one in particular. “Who is responsible?” He clapped a hand to his brow, staggered toward the sputtering, smoking tank, where even now shards of glass were beginning to melt in the intense heat.
...Then, as the smoke began to clear, he saw the creature’s blackened remains hanging out through the shattered glass wall; saw, too, something else—something which he didn’t want anyone else to see. He ripped off his smock, quickly threw it over the monstrous remains.
Khuv had meanwhile turned to Leo Grenzel, the locator. “You said he was here, an intruder. Well, someone has certainly been here—though I’m damned if I can see how! The door was locked, and there’s a guard outside.

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