The Spaniard's Love-Child (2003)

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The book The Spaniard's Love-Child was written by author Here you can read free online of The Spaniard's Love-Child book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Spaniard's Love-Child a good or bad book?
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The next time Raul asked her she would be able to supply evidence that she had been following his instructions.
Nell had just about finished doing her laps when she became aware that she was not alone. She swam to the side of the pool and, hands braced on the tiled pool-edge, levered herself out—or at least tried to. Her arms felt weak after the unaccustomed exertion and it took her two attempts to heave herself out of the water.
‘Hi there.’ Nell, lying face down in an ungainly heap, feeling ver
...y like the human version of a beached whale on the tiled surface, stared at the long, slim legs of the woman standing beside her.
‘Miss…’ Nell scrambled into an upright position, taking the towel the blonde handed her with a small smile of thanks.
The actress didn’t comment on the greeting; obviously her fame was such she took such recognition very much for granted.
‘You must be the nanny.’ Her curiosity as she examined the younger woman’s face and figure was quite unself-conscious.

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The Spaniard's Love-Child
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