The Spanish Connection

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"You've got to promise me to stay in the hotel here," I told Tina, looking around at the excellent decor of the dining room.
    Tina looked sad. "But I will miss my skiing!" "If you go to Sol y Nieve, you'll be responsible for Rico's death." "I understand that." She pouted.
    "And you may be putting yourself on the spot." "Okay. Where you go?" "I'm going back to the resort. I have a job to do." * * * It was a pleasant forty-minute drive up the mountainside and into Sol y Nieve. When I got the the skiers were already out on the slopes. It was a bright day with a good light powder from a brief fall the night before.
    I strolled into the lobby and saw Mitch Kelly sitting at the bar off the lounge.
    I pulled up a stool beside him. "You look like you opened the bar this morning." "Right. Just got in." "You're early, aren't you?" "Figured I'd get here as soon as I could. What's the plot?" "You know what it is.

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