The Speed Limit

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What reading level is The Speed Limit book?
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Sure ! They didn't take no notice of me.
Felix. We thought you was a bum.
Dan {very indignant). The idocity ! Thought I was a bum, hey?
{Shakes his club at them. Otto giggles. Bill bangs on desk and calls for silence.) Tom. Gentlemen, this is a very serious offence, and you Will indeed be fortunate if you are not called upon to forfeit your lives for this crime. (Felix again makes motion to speak, but Tom. keeps right on.) We here represent the law.
Delectus personarum, and it is our duty to se
...e that same is rigidly enforced.
Dan {strutting about). We here represent the law.
Tom. The law must be enforced in a manner aforesaid hereunto notwithstanding our pari delicto to the contrary.
THE SPEED LIMIT I I (Bangs with his fist on his desk. Dan jumps. Bill ducks behind his desk. Otto giggles and hides behind Felix. Felix blinks his eyes and looks very solemn.) It is therefore neces- sary that you do at this time and date hereby, in this court and before these learned men, give, bequeath, and assign all cur- rency and other valuables that you may have in your pos- session.

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The Speed Limit
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