The Stability of Arches

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Weight and Strength of Arch Materials.
Weight per Cub. Ft.
Values o( s„ Lb.
lb./ft.2 Masonry : Sandstone or Limestone .
135 to 150 40,000 to 60,000 Granite ....
165 100,000 Brick ....
120 30,000 to 40,000 Concrete ....
140 50,000 to 80,000 Reinforced Concrete 150 — Gravel and Earth .
90 to 120 — (121) 122 THE STABILITY OF AECHBS 63. Dead Load. — The dead load consists of the weight of the arch itself and the filling, etc., which it carries. The following are the average weights for the material
...s involved :— The height of the filling over the extrados at the crown may be taken for railway arches as ft.
P and for highway arches as — ft.
P where p is the density of the material in lb. per cub.
Average Permanent Load on Boad Bridges.
Iron road bridges : — Timber platform and ballast . 100 Ib./ft.M ,„. ,, ,,, „ Cross girders . . . . 20 „ / = ^''" '"■'"• Iron bridges with brick arches : — Arches 48 lb."!
Concrete and asphalt . . . 42 „ I oi n ii, lu 2 Metalling 100 „ f = ^^" '"■'"• Cross girders 20 „ J 64.

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