The Standard Fifth Reader: (First-Class Standard Reader) : for Public And Private Schools ... No. 5

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The Standard Fifth Reader: (First-Class Standard Reader) : for Public And Private Schools ... No. 5
Epes Sargent
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What reading level is The Standard Fifth Reader: (First-Class Standard Reader) : for Public And Private Schools ... No. 5 book?
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We must recommend it to the intelligence and virtue of other nations by its elevated and en- lightened action, its purity, its justice, and the protection it affords to all its citizens, and the liberty they enjoy. And if, in this respect, we shall be faithful to the high bequests of our fathers, to .ourselves, and to posterity, we shall do more to liberalize other governments, and emancipate their subjects, than could be accomplished by millions of bayonets. This moral power is what tyrants most cause to dread. It addresses itself to the thoughts and the judgment of men. No physica* force can arrest its progress. Its approaches are unseen, but its consequences are deeply felt. It enters garrisons most strongly fortified, and operates in the palaces of kings and emperors. We should cherish this power, as essential to the preservation of our government, and as the most efficient means of ameliorating the political condition of our race. And this can only be done by a reverence for the laws, and by the exercise of an elevated patriot* ism.

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