The Standard Fourth Reader for Public And Private Schools: Containing a ...

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The Standard Fourth Reader for Public And Private Schools: Containing a ...
Epes Sargent
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What reading level is The Standard Fourth Reader for Public And Private Schools: Containing a ... book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

5. Over me swung an immense mass of metal, one touch of which would have crushed me to pieces; the floor under me was principally composed of crazy laths, and if they gave way I should be precipitated to the distance of about fifty feet upon a loft, which would, in all probability, have sunk under the impulse of my fall, and sent me to be dashed to atoms upon the marble floor of the chSiicel, a hundred feet below.
6. Every moment I saw the bell sweep within an inch of my face ; and my eyes — I
...could not close them, though to look at the object was bitter as death — followed it instingtively in its os'cillating" prOg'ress until it came back again. Jt was in vain that I said to myself it could come no nearer at any future swing than it did at first ; every time it descended, I endeavored to Mrink into the very flocr to avoid being buried under the down-sweeping mass ; and then, reflecting on the danger of pressing too weightily on my frail support, I would cow'er up again as far as I dared.

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The Standard Fourth Reader for Public And Private Schools: Containing a ...
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