The Standard Speller: Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling, Also Sentences for Silent Spelling ...

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The Standard Speller: Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling, Also Sentences for Silent Spelling ...
Epes Sargent
The book The Standard Speller: Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling, Also Sentences for Silent Spelling ... was written by author Here you can read free online of The Standard Speller: Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling, Also Sentences for Silent Spelling ... book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Standard Speller: Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling, Also Sentences for Silent Spelling ... a good or bad book?
Where can I read The Standard Speller: Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling, Also Sentences for Silent Spelling ... for free?
In our eReader you can find the full English version of the book. Read The Standard Speller: Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling, Also Sentences for Silent Spelling ... Online - link to read the book on full screen. Our eReader also allows you to upload and read Pdf, Txt, ePub and fb2 books. In the Mini eReder on the page below you can quickly view all pages of the book - Read Book The Standard Speller: Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling, Also Sentences for Silent Spelling ...
What reading level is The Standard Speller: Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling, Also Sentences for Silent Spelling ... book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

Pageant. Con-ta'gion, cour-ageous, * These words being classified in reference to the soft sound of g, the !ta!i« ^zing I f that letter, as in other instances where it has the soand of > in ti^ il r«liimei is here dispensed with.
100 sauNpa of f, o hard, j, k.
con-togiouii,cur-mucl'geon, e-gre'gious, out-ra geoaa — Ad-van-ta'geous, sac-ri-le gious.
Words in which ch has the sound ofk.
When arcli, signifying chief, begins a word from the Greek Ian* guage, and is followed by a vowel, it is pronou
...noed ark^ as ii arch'tve, &c. ; but when arch is prefixed to a word of French or Saxon origin, it is pronounced to rhjnic with march ; as in arch^ bishop^ arch'Jiend^ &c.
15. Ache, chasm, chord, chrome, chyle, conch, scheme, school, loch, chrism. — Anarch, anchor, arch'ives, cha os, chem'ist, chlo'rine, chorer, cho'ras, chronic, distich, drach'ma, ech'o, ep'och, lich'en, mech'lin, monarch, orchis, p^ls'chal, sched'ule, schir rus, pi'broch, scholar, schoon er, stomach, strych'ntne, sumach, te'trarch, tro'chee, cho'ral, mas'tich.

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The Standard Speller: Containing Exercises for Oral Spelling, Also Sentence...
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