"the Star Spangled Banner"

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Musical Repository, Augusta.
p. 22. Young Bibo. ("For worms when old Bibo prov'd delicate fun.") p. 140. Adams and Liberty [without indication of the tune], p. 207. Union of the Gods. ("To Columbia, who gladly clined at her ease.") 1813. James J. Wilson, National Song Book, Trenton.
p. 43. "For the Fourth of July" ("Columbians arise! let the cannon resound.") p. 66. "Embargo and Peace" ("When our sky was illuminated by freedom's bright dawn.") ^ p. 68. "Union and Liberty." ("Hark! The Trumpet o
...f war from the East sounds alarm.") p. 70. "Freedom." ("Of the victory won over tyrany's power.") p. 87. "The FoTirth of July." ("O'er the forest crowned hills, the rich vaUies and streams.") p. 88. "Jefferson's Election." Sung by the Americans in London, March 4, 1802. "Well met, fellow freemen! Let's cheer- fully greet.") In addition to these references should be mentioned the very scarce sheet song in possession of the Boston Public Library (reproduced by permission in the Appendix, Plate XII): "Adams and Liberty.

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