The Story of An Untold Love

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The Story of An Untold Love
Shapiro Bruce Rogers Collection (Library of Congress) Dlc
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I can think of few gfreater delights than to have gone over your story, line by line and incident by incident My love pleaded with me to take the chance, pointing out that it would do you no harm, but on the contrary aid you, and I found a dozen specious reasons ; but tempt me as they might, I always came back to the truth that if you knew who I really was you would tiot invite me, nor accept a favor at my hands. In the end I wrote you that my time was so mort- gaged that I must deny myself the
... pleas- ure. A small compensation was my offer that if you chose to rewrite the story and send me the manuscript, I would gladly read it over again and make any further suggestions which occvured to me. You thanked me by letter grace- fully, but I was conscious of your bewil- derment in the very care with which you phrased your note; and when next we aia AN UNTOLD LOVE met I could see that I had become more an enigma than ever, — for which there is indeed small wonder.
God keep you, my darling.

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The Story of An Untold Love
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