The Story of Old Europe And Young America

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We have said that the Turks broke up the old Italian trade routes to India. Prince Henry of Portugal determined to find an all-water route to the Far East. He first opened a sort of school for sea captains and sailors, and here gathered many wise teachers of geography and of subjects bearing on the sea and the art of sailing ships. He gave his work a practical turn by sending sea captains down the west coast of Africa to find out about an all-water route to India. There had been stories, of the... long ago, about men who had sailed around Africa, and into the Indian Ocean. Prince Henry was now determined to have his men find out if these stories were true.
At last, after several trials, a great captain returned with the news that his vessel had succeeded in passing one of the most dangerous capes of that coast. Prince Henry rewarded him and urged his other great sea captains to push farther on. Other attempts carried the brave sailors around to the Gulf of Guinea, but they were dismayed at finding that the coast of Africa again turned southward.

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The Story of Old Europe And Young America
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